Privacy policy

This Privacy Policy applies to anyone who browses, accesses or uses the website (hereinafter, "the Site").
This Privacy Policy does not apply to other websites that users may access through links, banners and/or any other type of link on the site.

Pursuant to and in accordance with Art. 13 Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, the following is declared:

Type of data collected
The site offers the possibility to make a request to purchase products offered for sale by the individual enterprise Lumi da mare di Laura Reverdito, with registered office in Campo nell'Elba (LI), VAT No. 01816550493. Therefore, when requesting the purchase of products the user is invited to provide their personal data including: First Name, Last Name
/Company name, physical address, e-mail address, telephone number.
The Owner prohibits users from entering "sensitive data" or "judicial data" referred to in Art. 4(d) and (e) anywhere on the Site.

Purpose and manner of processing
Data are processed for the following purposes:

  • Perform operations related to the maintenance and management of the Site;
  • Collect online purchase order requests;
  • Sending newsletters/general information related to Lumi da mare by Laura Reverdito;
  • Promotional activities;
  • Data processing for statistical purposes;
  • Sending previews regarding advertising campaigns and other; direct
  • marketing;

Nature of provision of data
The provision of data is optional in nature, however, failure to provide it may prevent the
pursuit of the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Subjects and categories of subjects to whom data may be disclosed and scope of data

The above data, in accordance with the above purposes, will be disclosed to the
following parties:

  • public and private entities for the fulfillments required by any legal regulations or contractual provisions;
  • Laura Reverdito who is in charge of site management.

The following subjects may become aware of the personal data of the interested party: Collaborators of Laura Reverdito who may need them for the execution of the relative fulfilments. The data are not subject to dissemination.

Use of data by other parties
Solely data acquired for marketing purposes may be retained for a period not exceeding twelve and twenty-four months from their registration, respectively, after effective transformation into anonymous form that does not allow the identification of the data subjects. The Site does not perform user profiling.

Protection of personal data
The user's personal data will be processed and protected by taking suitable and
adequate security measures to protect such data.

User Rights
You may at any time exercise your rights against the Data Controller, pursuant to Article
8 of Legislative Decree 196/2003.
The rights under Article 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 remain unaffected.
You have the right to update, change, correct, add or delete your personal information.
Users also have the right to anonymize their data by sending a notice to Lumi da Mare di Laura Reverdito at the following e-mail address:

Modification of privacy policy
Lumi da Mare di Laura Reverdito reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time and at its sole discretion. In such event, Lumi da Mare di Laura Reverdito will make the updated Privacy Policy available on the Site.

Ownership of processing and information request
The Data Controller is Laura Reverdito with registered and administrative office at Via
del Serone No. 161 57034 Campo nell'Elba (LI).

Data processor
The data processor is Laura Reverdito with registered and administrative office at Via del Serone No. 161 57034 Campo nell'Elba (LI).

To change their personal information or for any other request regarding the Site's Privacy Policy, users can send an e-mail to

Social media and external site links
The Site may offer links to external sites (including, but not limited to: Google, Vimeo, partner sites, etc.) and to "Social Media," including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc. Lumi da Mare di Laura Reverdito assumes no responsibility with respect to information and/or personal data that are disseminated by users through social networks or similar tools. In any case, Lumi da Mare di Laura Reverdito recommends caution when disseminating information and/or personal data via "Social Media" platforms, reminding users that their personal data will be acquired and processed according to the Privacy Policy published on the respective sites.