General conditions of use

Art. 1 - Purpose

  1. These general conditions of use represent access to and use of the site, accessible via the url:, (hereinafter the "owner"), are activities governed by these general conditions of use.
  2. This site is owned by:
    Lumidamare Society of Laura Reverdito
    Headquarters: Via del Serone 161. 57034 Campo nell'Elba (LI)
    VAT No.: 01816550493
    Registered with the REA, number LI-160891
  3. Access to the site and its use, as well as the purchase of products presented therein, presupposes the reading, knowledge and acceptance of these general conditions of use.


Art. 2 - Changes to the conditions of use

  1. The owner may modify or simply update, in whole or in part, these general conditions of use. Changes and updates to the general conditions of use will be notified to users on the Home page as soon as they are adopted and will be binding as soon as they are posted on the website in this same section. Access to and use of the site presuppose the user's acceptance of these terms of use.


Art. 3 - Intellectual Property

  1. The content on the site, such as, but not limited to, the works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material, in any format, published on the site, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors diagrams, tools, fonts and design of the site, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of the site, are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property rights of the owner or any third parties contracted by the same. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of the site and its contents is prohibited without the express written consent of the owner.
  2. The user is only authorized to view the Site and its contents by taking advantage of the related services available therein. The user is, in addition, authorized to perform all those other temporary acts of reproduction, devoid of their own economic significance, which are considered transient or ancillary, integral and essential part of the same viewing and enjoyment of the Site and its contents and all other operations of navigation on the Site that are performed only for a legitimate use of the same.
  3. You are in no way authorized to make any reproduction, in any medium, in whole or in part of the site and its contents. Any act of reproduction must be, from time to time, authorized by or, if necessary, by the authors of the individual works contained in the site. Such reproduction operations shall, however, be carried out for lawful purposes and in compliance with copyright and other intellectual property rights and the authors of the individual works contained in the site.


Art. 4 - Use of the site and user responsibility

  1. Accessing and using the website, viewing the web pages, including communicating with the owner, downloading product information and purchasing the same on the website, constitute activities conducted by the user exclusively for personal use unrelated to any commercial, business or professional activity.
  2. The user is personally responsible for the use of the website and its contents. The owner, in fact, cannot be held responsible for the use of the website and its contents by each of its users that does not comply with the applicable laws, except for liability for intent and gross negligence. In particular, the user will be the one and only person responsible for the communication of information and data that are incorrect, false or related to third parties, without their consent, as well as in consideration of their incorrect use.
  3. Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is at the user's own choice and risk. therefore, any liability for any damage to computer systems or loss of data resulting from downloading operations rests with the user and shall not be imputed to the owner.
  4. The owner disclaims any liability for any damage resulting from the inaccessibility to the services on the site or any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of content, problems related to the network, providers or telephone and/or telematic connections, unauthorized access, alteration of data, failure and/or malfunction of the user's own electronic equipment.
  5. You are responsible for the safekeeping and proper use of your personal information, including the credentials that allow you to access restricted services, as well as for any harmful consequence or prejudice that may arise against or third parties as a result of the incorrect use, loss, theft of such information. The Owner has taken all reasonable precautions to prevent the publication on the site of content and images that may be deemed offensive to the decorum, human rights and dignity of persons, in all possible forms and expressions. In any case, if the aforementioned content is deemed to be detrimental to religious or ethical sensibilities or decorum, the user concerned is requested to communicate this condition to the owner, who nevertheless warns that any access to content deemed to be detrimental or offensive takes place by the user at his or her own unquestionable judgment and at his or her sole and personal responsibility.
  6. The Holder has also taken every useful precaution to ensure that all information on the site is correct, complete and up-to-date, however, the same does not assume towards users any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the content published on the site, except as otherwise provided by law. If a user finds errors or missing updates of the information on the site, he/she is requested to notify the owner using the email box:


Art. 5 - Exclusion of Liability

  1. As indicated above, the owner performs with the utmost diligence the care and maintenance of the site and its contents, however, assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness and timeliness of the data and information provided on the site or sites linked to it. Any liability for errors or omissions arising from the use of the data and information on the site must therefore be excluded.
  2. The owner disclaims all liability, including the presence of errors, correction of errors, the responsibility of the server hosting the site; it is also not responsible for the use of the information contained, its correctness and reliability. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the owner be liable for any direct or indirect damage that may result from the use, or inability to use, the materials on the site.


Art. 6 - Limitations on service delivery

  1. The owner cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the failure to provide the service due to the malfunction or failure of electronic means of communication for causes beyond the sphere of its foreseeable control. By way of example, but not limited to, the malfunctioning of servers and other electronic devices, including those that are not an integral part of the Internet network, malfunctioning of installed software, computer viruses on the possible presence of viruses or other harmful and damaging computer components, as well as from the actions of hackers or other users with access to the network. The user therefore agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the owner from any liability and/or claims in this regard.


Art. 7 - Trademarks

  1. All trademarks and distinctive signs on the site, including those related to individual activities carried out by the owner, are the exclusive property of the owner himself or of the companies referring to him.
  2. The owner has the right to make exclusive use of the above trademarks. Therefore, any use that is not permitted, unauthorized and/or not in accordance with the law is strictly prohibited and carries legal consequences. it is in no way permitted to use said trademarks and any other distinctive sign on the site to take unfair advantage, even indirectly, of the distinctive character or renown of the owner's trademarks or in such a way as to cause prejudice to them and their owners.
  3. The domain as well as the various declinations and subdomains are the property of the owner. No use, however indirect, is permitted unless specifically authorized in writing by the owner(s).


Art. 8 - Data Processing

  1. The user's data are processed in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the protection of personal data, as specified in the appropriate section containing the information pursuant to ad. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (Privacy Policy). For more information access the site's privacy policy at the link:


Art. 9 - Contacts

  1. Any inquiries may be sent by email to
  2. and by mail to the following address: Via del Serone 161, 57034 Campo nell'Elba (Li).


These conditions were drafted on March 12, 2024.