

Form and matter chase each other on the file of an idea...

There is a place, in the hearts of many, where these words come to life, a place where Laura Reverdito, creative and designer, gives shape to her dream and makes, with the love of the artist and the dedication of the craftsman, unique Jewelry with the color of the sea...This place is the Island of Elba...!

In Marina di Campo, inside the LUMIDAMARE store, you can breathe in the fresh atmosphere from the luminescent tones of her jewelry, like the colors of seawater, which change according to the refraction of light.

In 2015, "GOCCE DI MARE" jewelry was born, distinguished by resin stones made entirely by hand that convey all t h e transparency and colors of the Island's splendid and varied sea.

A sea full of reefs, ravines and coves, made of pebbles or sands of all kinds that give its waters a surprisingly varied range of colors, from the clearest turquoise, through an infinite scale of aqua green, to the deepest blue of the deepest seabed.

All stones created by Laura's hands are unique pieces, never the same, like the colors and intensity of the magnificent sea of Elba Island that remains captured within these precious artifacts.

The different collections of Lumidamare jewelry are entirely handcrafted in 316L Steel or 925 Sterling Silver.

Exclusive jewelry to always carry with you the memory of a unique and unforgettable place, wearing all the essence of this magnificent sea.



One really struggles to choose, peculiar objects and intoxicating colors...
Not to mention the owners, exquisite people!!!

Martina Bellandi
